Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The wrong turns, the stumbles, the falls....

I am about to turn 30 years old in a week.  People are telling me that I am going to freak out.  So far, I have not.  I'm not sure I will.  30 is still just a blip on the radar of existence, isn't it?  After all, I have much left to achieve.  I realize that I have enjoyed blogging in the past, but I take a different approach.  I have noticed that much of the internet-generation considers this a place to write about very personal things.   I guess I don't avoid that, but I am a poet in my dreams.  Thus, my musings tend to take a bit of a creative slant.  I am totally okay with that.  I am hoping to get this out to people and whatnot... maybe you can read it and find something to laugh at.  Or something to ponder.  Maybe you can just print them out and use them as kindling... hey, as long as you read them, I am happy.  I have a motivation issue.  I may go long periods with nothing and then a few big posts in a row.  I have not written seriously since 2004 and now I have 3 plays in the works.  Typical of me.  Enjoy and feel free to comment and tell me I am totally full of it.  I appreciate friendly discourse.

Here (Oderint Dum Metuant) is an old blog from a couple of years ago.  I really liked it then, and think it still means a lot to me.  

Hasta luego,


1 comment:

Chris said...

Ha, kindling...I see these as great works, maybe even worthy of toilet paper! No, for real, great style, and the megalomaniac comment really puts that blog into perspective.