Thursday, January 8, 2009

Random Sh*t From the Fray

1. So, I get home today, and my mom asks, "Why did you lock the dogs in when you left?" I didn't. Which means that our neighbor came over - came INTO OUR HOUSE, and locked them inside. There is something creepy about that. We've known him for a very long time, and he used to work for/with my dad... but still - who does that?

2. I am trying to figure out a route by which I might ride my velocipede to work. The only such path seems quite treacherous. I may just suck it up and go for it.

3. I am training for a marathon with Tracey. We will be (knock on wood) running the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon at the end of May. Yay us... wtF is wrong with us?

4. Chris and Steve - your journey sounded epic. I hope you sang lots of inspirational training sequence songs from eighties movies. "Steve, I don't think I can make this last rise, man." "Dammit Chris! Hang in there! *sings* You're the best... aroouund... and nothin's gonna eva keep ya doooowwwwnnn!" Props if you know the movie.

5. The muse paid me a mighty visit over the break. I am going to embark on my novel... I have what I consider to be an acceptably amazing concept and story idea. Keep me motivated, please. Verbal taunts are acceptable.

6. Chris... this would be my "Congrats on Being a Dad" present were I wealthy.

7. Emery... you can enjoy it too... that was wrong of me to leave you out. Also, my friend from college just named her baby Ellery... which is kind of close to Emery... and I like to think that there was some cosmic connection via myself which made that possible. So, congratulations Emery. My friend named her baby after you. Kind of. But not really.

8. I've decided to suck it up and try to get an employment verification letter from Compass. Any thoughts? Advice? Previous successes? Please share.

9. I still really like my job - but I am never teaching Special Ed. again! I hope.

10. I will be in Tucson on January 24th -ish. Who's available?

11. I might be back in Tucson in February for the 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo Race... but probably not.

12. I miss Tucson a lot. We both do.

13. 'Cuz it's a good number, despite some beliefs... I miss Theater. A lot.

Love to everyone. Hope you have an awesome New Year. Whoo hoo. Amen.


Tracey Embrace the Change Hayes said...

it's in writing, we're commited...what are we thinking - S.D. here we come! "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

Chris said...

1. The swimming scares me.
2. I should know the movie, but am a damn loser for not.
3. Ellery? Maybe our little boy should be an Ellsworth.
4. I'll be around that weekend, and any other time you two are up for it.
5. Happy new year and good luck on the other ideas/ tasks!

Jed said...

Karate Kid. Emphasis on the Kah-Rah-Tay

emery_rose said...

OH, that's what Tracy meant with the comment about maybe seeing you on the 24th...
It would be great to see you guys. I think we've done our round the country family visits enough for quite a while, so we should be here!
That's exciting to have someone named after me (but not really).
Good luck with the marathon training!!